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Barreau du Québec - Working on wellbeing

Barreau du Québec

Working on wellbeing


Barreau du Québec


Professional order / Law




In order to make members of the Barreau du Québec aware of the challenges that affect their psychological wellbeing, Bob was hired to develop and produce two series of short videos.

The first, titled “Les violences à caractère sexuel : il est temps d’agir” (Sexual Violence: The Time to Act is Now), follows a study by Université Laval about sexual harassment in the profession. The content explores the topic and provides tools to recognize a situation and report it, without fear of reprisals. Click here to see the four videos in this series (in French).

In the second series, which delves into psychological distress and is titled “Le droit d’être bien” (The Right to be OK), we called on psychologist Rose-Marie Charest. Together, we devised a content plan around sensitive subjects that affect the wellbeing of lawyers. Click here to see the five videos in this series (in French).